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Kruk-Lasocka J. (1999). Autyzm czy nie autyzm. Wrocław: Dolnośląska Szkoła Wyższa Edukacji.
Randall P., Parker J. (2004). Autyzm. Jak pomóc rodzinie. Gdańsk: GWP.
Waclaw W., Aldenrud U., Ilstedt S. (2000). Dzieci z autyzmem i zespołem Aspergera. Katowice: ,,Zląsk 
Wydawnictwo Naukowe.
Asperger Syndrome is a developmental disorder found in the autism spectrum. This disorder is often
defined as mild or high-functional autism. Despite the lack of one answer if it is one of the autism wises or
a different individual disease, children with this syndrome are classifieded as autistic. They communicate
better, thanks to their own language ability, but their behaviour marks problems with social communication
with unadjusted society. Characteristic traits for children with Asperger Syndrome are strange behaviours
or limited interests, which often are the only subject fied their conversations, no matter if somebody is
interested or not. Intelligence of these children are on mediocre or above-mediocre level, and their ability to
focus attention on one subject, can lead to prominent achievements. Thanks to appriopriate therapy,
methods allow change, at least in certain spheres of child behaviour. That can enable better functioning in
every envinroment. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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