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understand it. Only in this way, in becoming masters of ourselves, of our own
mind, will we kill the killer of Love and truly be happy.
Those who live beautifully fantasizing about Love, who live making projects about
Love, who want Love to work in accordance to their likes and dislikes, projects and
fantasies, norms and prejudices, memories and experiences, etc., will never be able
to really know what Love is. They have in fact, become enemies of Love.
It is necessary to understand fully what the processes of the mind are in the state of
accumulation of experiences.
Many times a teacher justly reprimands but sometimes he/she does so stupidly and
without any true reason, without understanding that every unjust reprimand
remains in the minds of students. The result of such a mistaken procedure is
usually the loss of Love for the teacher.
The mind destroys Love and that is something that school, college and university
teachers should never forget.
It is necessary to deeply understand all those mental processes that put and end to
the beauty of Love!
It is not enough to be a parent; it is necessary to know how to Love. Parents believe
that they love their children because they have them, because the children belong
to them, such as when someone owns a bicycle, a car or a house.
That sense of possession and dependence is usually confused with Lov e but can
never be Love.
Teachers of our second home which is school, believe they Love their students
because they are in charge of them but that is not Love. The sense of possession or
dependence is not Love.
The mind destroys Love and only by comprehending all the mistaken fuctionalisms
of our mind, our absurd way of thinking, our bad customs, mechanical habits,
Fundamental Education Samael Aun Weor
wrong way of looking at things, etc., can we come to live and truly experience that
which does not belong to time and which is called Love.
Whoever wants love to transform itself into a piece of their mechanical routine;
whoever wants Love to walk upon the mistaken track of their own prejudices,
clavings, fears, experiences of life, selfish way of looking at things, mistaken way of
thinking, etc., do in fact put an end to Love because the latter never allows itself to
be subdued.
Whoever wants Love to works as "I like", "I desire", "I think", lose Love because
Cupid the God of Love, is never ready to let himself be enslaved by the Ego.
We have to annihilate the "Ego", the "Myself", the "Id", so we do not lose the child
of Love.
The Ego is a bunch of memories cravings, fears, hatreds, passions, experiences,
selfishness, envies, lust, etc.
Only by understanding each defect separately, by studying and directly observing
it, not only in the intellectual region but also in all the subconscious levels of the
mind, will each defect disappear as we die from moment to moment. Only in this
way will we achieve the disintegration of the Ego.
Whoever wants to bottle Love up within the horrible traps of the Ego, loses it and
stays without it because Love can never be bottled up.
Unfortunately people want Love to behave according to their habits, desires,
customs, etc. People want to submit Love to the Ego and that is absolutely
impossible, since Love does not obey the "EGO".
Couples in love or better said, couples with passion for each other, suppose that
Love should keep faithfully within the limits of their own desires, concupiscences,
errors, etc., and in this way they are totally wrong.
"Let's talk about us!", say couples in love or sexually passionate for each other, who
are plentiful in this world. Then we hear conversations, projects, desires and goals.
Each has something to say, he or she puts forward projects, desires, his or her way
of looking at things of this life and each wants Love to move like a train on steel
tracks forged by the mind.
How wrong, how lost are these couples in Love or with passions! How far away
from reality they are!
Love does not obey the Ego and when partners want to chain it down by the neck
and submit it, it escapes leaving the couple in disgrace.
Fundamental Education Samael Aun Weor
The mind has a bad habit of comparing. A man compares one girlfriend to another,
a woman compares one man to another. A teacher compares one student to
another student, as if all of them do not deserve the same appreciation. Truly, all
types of comparison are abominable.
Whoever contemplates a beautiful sunset and compares it to another does not
really know how to understand the beauty he has before his very eyes.
Whoever contemplates a beautiful sunset and compares it to another does not
really appreciating the beauty he has before his ayes.
Where there is comparison, there is no true Love. A father and a mother who really
love their children will never compare them to anyone. They will simply love them
and that is all.
A husband who loves his wife never makes the mistake of comparing her to anyone
else. He loves her and that is all.
The teachers who really love their students will never discriminate and never
compare one with another. They truly love them and that is all.
A mind divided by comparisons and enslaved by duality's destroys Love.
A mind divided by the struggle of opposites is not capable of understanding the
new, it becomes petrified and frozen.
The mind has many depths, regions, subconscious areas, labyrinths; but the
worhiest is the Essence, the Conscience, which is in the centre.
When duality's ceases to exist, when the mind becomes integrated, serene, quiet, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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