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toddler or an infant. Do you hit a hard wall, or do you feel an ineffable, formless openness before
your earliest memories?
Is this the same blissful nothingness into which you fall during deep sleep?
Find out.
Thinking about these things won't help. Really feel into the openness before you were born. Feel
into the place where you can fall deeply asleep, right now.
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If you fall open and completely let go, a sudden sigh occurs: you are this openness. You can be
blissful openness, but you can't get there.
So, instead of trying to view it, relax open as this ever-present background of feeling-openness.
Take care not to seek blissfulness as an aspect of your true self. Who you truly are is an openness
of love in which bliss may or may not be noticed.
In this openness, all qualities may or may not be noticed – the naughty child, pompous father,
slutty vamp – dancing as love's shapes before being forgotten. Openness remains.
Who you truly are is this feeling-openness. So let go of each experience as instantly as it occurs.
Again and again, allow your actual sensations – itches, aches, warmth – to dissolve where they are
Allow your body image – the outline formed by your skin, whether you feel fat or thin – to
dissolve open.
Feeling lonely, victorious, or worshipped? Let go so each noticing dissolves on its own – every
thought – vanishing in the openness where it is first felt.
If you repeat this exercise continuously, your behaviors will emerge as love's unfettered action.
You won't feel trapped by a past or a future – even the present is happening gone in the middle of
nowhere, wide open and free.
This freedom from time is love.
You were born to offer this love in the style you would most avoid. Every moment that you face,
and every person that you meet, provides you with an opportunity to live as love.
Is this true? Do this experiment, and find out.
Remember seeing a person and saying to yourself, "I'll never be like that." The experiment is to
practice being love exactly like that – in the style you swore you would never be like – over and
over, until the past no longer scrimps the depth of love's spontaneous offering.
You are part of the natural evolution of love's offering, including your community of loved ones.
Tell them how to live their lives just like your father expounded – but while truly feeling their
hearts. Offer them the delight of your show-off, slutty style – but while breathing their sorrow as
yours. Be naughty, but always as love extending tenderly, without separating into a private world
of guilt.
Love wants to come through you most in the style you want to express the least. Otherwise, you
would already be living utterly spontaneously, gifting the world through your true purpose,
without inhibition or doubt, while always letting go as unfettered openness.
Let go so each noticing dissolves on its own, vanishing in the openness where it first appears.
Where has every thought gone that has ever been noticed?
Relax as this place of openness.
As openness, offer love into the picture where you find your body and mind moving with others,
especially in the styles that you resist.
Holding back hurts.
You suffer because you have so far refused to open as every style of love. You are love, and love is
21 Slut 35
Notice who you would never want to be like, offer love in their style you so resist, and then let
your memory of the moment dissolve open to where all noticing goes.
Including this one.
21 Slut 36
22 Parents
Imagine your parents having sex. They did, you know.
You were born because your parents had sex. This is obvious.
But consider this possibility: you were born specifically to learn to offer love as the very form you
inherited from your parents.
Imagine yourself, or your soul if you like, hovering wherever souls abide before they are born in
human form. Imagine choosing to become embodied because you need to feel loved, sexually
pleasured, successful, or secure, just like the forces that moved your parents to come together,
perform intercourse, create your bodily form, and earn enough money to feed you.
If you need to experience or know anything – if you require time to gain any sense of fulfillment –
then you require a birth that unfolds the lessons that will allot you the opportunity to live free as
love's openness. You are the continuation of your parent's unlearned lessons, unless you are
totally and absolutely free right now.
What were the worst qualities of your mother and father?
Imagine your parents' worst qualities having sex together, trying to merge with each other to be
relieved of themselves.
Perhaps your father wanted to feel respected, and he needed to be relieved of tension, so he lusted
to ejaculate in your mother: of this you were born.
Perhaps your mother's heart so yearned to be seen and appreciated by your father, she opened her
body to him, full of need, frustration, and hope: of this you were born.
Regardless of your inheritance, your mission by birth is to love. That's why your life will present
you with the opportunity to open and love while you repeatedly face your parent's worst
qualities, until your heart can stay relaxed, open as the sky.
Your life will offer you many opportunities to love while facing your parent's negative qualities.
You may find yourself struggling with your emotionally distant father in the face of your lover's
emotional pull-back.
The under-appreciation you felt as a child may continually show up in adulthood as your
colleagues belittling your work, or the world failing to recognize your art.
You may face your parent's qualities in your own character, as they have been passed through
your ancestral lineage of sexual couplings to you.
Whatever your inheritance of personal need, you can commit to doing your best to open,
permitting love's force to freely move your life.
Spontaneously gift the world and your beloveds from your deepest heart, right now, even if you
continue to face your parents' unfulfilled desires in yourself and others.
Assume that your born life was designed as an opportunity to love freely in spite of your parents'
worst qualities.
How do you grow free in your offering of love?
22 Parents 37
Start by loving your parents, and their worst qualities, with gratitude for creating your body.
Offer the most love to whatever most disturbs you – in your parents, self, or others.
Practice to offer love, just as you are. You may be angry, but you can still offer love in angry form
to a lover who is playing out his or her inherited traits of deceitfulness or self-centered
Love can be textured through anger – or any emotion – as long as your heart remains connected
to and open with your lover's.
Now is your chance to use your specific birth as an opportunity to offer love regardless of your [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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